marți, 7 septembrie 2010

The Corrs: Baby Be Brave

Maybe deep down inside, you don't believe it
Your wailing wall, it isn't weeping at all
And you're not worthy of adoration
You're scared that somebody somewhere's gonna find the burst pipe
And as fast as they bow down they'll leave you behind

But baby be brave
'Cause what's the point of it all
What's the point of it all, yeah
Baby, don't blow it
Tell me what's it all for
If you're not terrified to fail
Are you terrified to fail

Way far down below you don't feel it
Yeah, everyone knows but we don't believe it
The pain of a pop star, you're breaking my heart

But baby be brave
'Cause what's the point of it all
What's the point of it all, yeah
Baby, don't blow it
Tell me what's it all for
If you're not terrified to fail

Confide in me, tell your story
Are you terrified to fail
It's your fear that makes you worthy

I know what you're doing 'Cause
God I've been tempted You are
Drowning the special To
immortalize the rise
And what's the point of it all

But baby be brave
'Cause what's the point of it all
What's the point of it all, yeah
Baby, don't blow it
Tell me what's it all for
If you're not terrified to fail

Confide in me, tell your story
Are you terrified to fail
It's your fear that makes you worthy
I am terrified to fail
Confide in me, tell your story
Are you terrified to fail
It's your fear that makes you worthy

Un comentariu:

  1. Sa si explic de ce am facut o postare cu acest cantec. De ce am pus versurile si nu videoclipul. Ei bine am ales varianta versurilor pentru ca sunt adeptul “scripta manem”. Videoclipurile pot aparea si disparea de pe youtube.
    M-am hotarat ca din cand in cand sa pun pe blog si versurile unor cantece care mi-au placut de-a lungul anilor. Cantece care poate m-au marcat sau cantece care pur si simplu imi aduc aminte de ceva.
    De ce am ales Baby Be Brave ca prim cantec ale carui versuri sa le postez?
    Pentru ca The Corrs este formatia mea favorita. Pentru ca Baby Be Brave e un cantec frumos. Pentru ca e un cantec pe care l-am ascultat de foarte multe ori in ultimii doi ani. Un cantec pe care il ascultam cam de fiecare data cand aparea o problema, o situatie dificila, si incercam sa ma motivez in plus pentru a depasi respectivul impas.
    Cam atat deocamdata... Voi vedea pe viitor ce alte cantece voi mai posta... Dar, deja am cateva in minte...

    PS: Azi se implineste un an de cand mama a facut cel de-al doilea infarct. Multumesc Domnului ca este bine acum!
