joi, 11 mai 2017

Joke on Capitals

So this guy walks into a sports bar where all of the drinks are named after famous athletes. Without even checking out the selection he orders.

Guy: "Barkeep, I'll take an Alex Ovechkin."

Bartender: "Coming right up!"

The bartender mixes up a few ingredients in a shaker, walks over to the patron, and pours it directly into his mouth.

Guy: "Well that was a little weird, but delicious.. what was that?!"

Bartender: "A White Russian with no cup."

Guy: "That's hilarious.. I'll have another."

Bartender: "You got it!"

After some time socializing with friends, the guy decides to go back for a third.

Guy: "My good man! I'll have another Ovechkin!"

Bartender: "Sorry sir, but I can not serve you any more Ovechkins."

Guy: "What.. why? I'm not intoxicated."

Bartender: "Oh no, its not that.. you may order anything else.. its just that you can't have Alex Ovechkin for more than two rounds."

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